Sundays- Tuesdays by appointment 

1910 Hwy 61 Grand Marais, MN 55604
call or text 630-947-5977

Housecalls offered by request.  

Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy releases restrictions in the nervous system by using light holds of the spine, skull and sacrum.  

The skeletal system receives adjustment through the process of unwinding and decompression.  This includes light movement of the joints resulting in a discharge of deeply seated patterns of tension in the body, mind and spirit.  

The goal is to harmonize the rhythms and pulses within the internal organs, bones, and to enhance the flow of the cerebral spinal fluid which is known as the "Breath of Life"  

Cranial Sacral Therapy has been practiced as an Osteopathic Technique since the early 1900’s and more popular as alternative medicine since the 1990’s.  


Reduction of tension, stress and pain in the body

Perfect for headaches, migraines, and TMJ 

Rejuvenation and restoration of internal energy

Reduction of emotional sensitivity and blockages

Improved circulation 

Improvement of digestive disorders

Lower blood pressure and diabetes mellitus

Improved muscle strength and flexibility

Immediate reduction of anxiety

Improvement of joint mobility and movement

Improvement of the liver and gallbladder, and their ability to absorb nutrients

Deeper sleep

Increase in immune system functioning

Overall improvement health and wellbeing

Location:  1910 Hwy 61 Grand Marais, MN 55604

Rates: $100 for 60 - 75 minutes, $25 Housecall Fee 
Sliding Scale Rates available upon request

New Service! Akashic Records Reading: $50 for 30-45 minutes - Receive Guidance on various aspects of your life from your Higher Self based on your Soul's Record through this lifetime and other lifetimes.  The only information that will be shared is for the highest good of all concerned. (can be done over the phone) More information here: